Hey all, Hopefully everyone had a great Christmas ... I'm rather curious about something ... I've been having to create my virtual machines as generation I because I can't seem to get them to boot automatically,, or at all, on my current server (it would be interesting to see how my laptop handles them in client-side Hyper-V) as gen II. Any attempts at booting gen II VM on my server results in a "no OS device found, press any key to continue" error (happens on my laptop as well when trying to switch his boot type from legacy bios to UEFI). I'm wondering whether anyone has any insights, because my friend's older (bios-based) T300 and 2900 servers perform this task just fine with no modifications to any of the components. Is there something I have to do in order to make this work so that I don't have to babysit the boot process for UEFI? As I said, my friend has no problems, so I'm wondering whether the issues reside with the unit (another representation of possible defects, maybe?) Thanks for any feedback ... need to know how best to proceed.