Hi, every user has a an unique key, in our company every workstation has an unique name for inventory purposes so the name is a key. For distributing I created 7zip sfx archive running portable copy of nvda, you can follow these instructions: http://ntsblog.homedev.com.au/index.php/2015/05/14/self-extracting-archive-r... ofcourse instead setup.exe is nvda.exe. So, scenario is as follows: 1: user is downloading a binary package 2: She / he runs that package 3: User calls me and i do the rest. Main disadvantage of that is when you have blind users using nvda, because I am not able to run portable nvda when installed nvda is running. But, because I have 100% sighted customers its no problem at this time, perhaps somebody will have a better solution? hth. -- Cheers, Michał