Although I doubt too many will yet be involved in installing Windows Server 2019, it might be appropriate here to warn you of a nasty mess I created for ourselves my not doing enough research. As our current Exchange 2016 mail server's hardware was quite old, I decided it was time to replace it with the same Make and Model as our Domain Controller, a DELL R330 purchased just over a year ago. I made it clear to Dell that we were going to install the latest version of both Op. System and Exchange. However, the latest model was an R340. Server arrived, and with DELL's excellent tech support, hardware was configured for RAID etc., and Op System installed. However, installation of Exchange 2019 presented us with problems, and consequently we found that where 2016's recommended minimum was 8 GB of RAM, 2019 required 128 GB. A massive 16 fold increase. But the server's maximum was only 64 GB. OK, so implement plan B, which research proved was an easier being a like for like installation of Exchange 2016. Again problems during installation, so on to Microsoft support. Bombshell there. Exchange 2016 is not supported on Server 2019. Those who know me, can imagine the verbiage I uttered!!!! And to make matters worse, DELL did not apparently know of this issue as they admitted they had not yet been fully trained in this area. So finally we have had to go through the whole installation process again, but that saga is for another day. At least mail if flowing again. Warning to self. Make sure our requirements are clearly stated, at the absolute very least in an e-mail, and confirmed by the supplier. George