I hope someone can shed some light on a potential problem I am shortly going to run into. We are currently running a fileserver that holds user home folders as well as shared documents. The server also hosts the license servers for jfw and zoomtext along with some other similar license servers. unfortunately, it was originally purchased with only 1 hard drive which is running out of space. The server is also almost 4 years old. The server is our primary domain controller, dns server, and vpn server. We recently purchased a new server, with raid 5 disks, more ram, more processors and the like. I have set it up to take over some of the functions of the older server. I want to transfer the roll of file server to it and transfer the vpn roll over to it as well. I believe all I have to do is change the port forwarding within our router to forward port 1723 to the new server. The question is though, if I do this, how will the client computers still be able to access the license servers on the old server. in other words, client computers will access their files on the new server via a vpn connection, but if so, I assume they will no longer be able to receive a license authorization from (say jfw license server) from the old server. I hope this makes sense, and I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I also am hoping that I don't have to move the license servers to the new server if at all possible. Many thanks. Phil