Hi all, Has anyone been using this within Windows with either Window Eyes or JAWS? Anyone got or willing to write-up a tutorial or record a podcast for the complete newbie? I've just started CBT Nuggets vmware series, but don't want to get too far a-head to find that it will not work under Windows XP with the above screenreaders. Feel free to share your experiences both as a home-user and business-user. Barry. "Tell me and I will hear, show me and I will see, involve me and I will understand. Chinese Proverb" Barry Toner Placement Systems Engineer Liberty Information Technology Direct Line: 02890 167000 Adelaide Exchange Fax: 02890 445511 24-26 Adelaide Street Switchboard: 02890 445500 Belfast BT2 8GD Email: b.toner@liberty-it.co.uk