17 Aug
17 Aug
6:50 p.m.
On Mon, 20 Jul 2015 09:42:22 +0930, "Marvin Hunkin" <startrekcafe@gmail.com> wrote:
Does the free talking win pe work with windows 8.1, and windows 10?
Short answer, no. Long answer, the piece of Bryan's TWPE that makes it talk had to be built into and bolted onto the available Windows Pre-Installation Environment, so presumably if some enterprising soul wanted to try to do it, a TWPE for 8.1 and now 10 could theoretically be built. However, since Win10 is as new as it is, no one has yet tried it. You can read how it was originally done for Windoes 7 on Bryan's blog page at http://blog.bryansmart.com/talking-windows-7-pre-installation-environment