Simon, Yes its been floating around on the web now that this version won't work with either current JFW or NVDA. Advice is to go to the ESR because that gets security updates and won't be upgraded to 57 until the middle of next year when it is anticipated that support will be available for screen readers again. I have gone over to Chrome temporairily. Andrew. ________________________________________ From: Blind-sysadmins [] on behalf of Jackie McBride [] Sent: 14 November 2017 16:37 To: Blind sysadmins list Subject: Re: [Blind-sysadmins] Firefox 57 Quantum and NVDA under Win 7 It is more performant for sighted folks. Not for screenreader users, however, as the following article states: On 11/14/17, Eigeldinger Simon <> wrote:
Hi all,
System: Win 7 Pro 64 Bit Screenreader: NVDA 2017.3 Firefox Version: 57.0 64 Bit
I just installed Firefox 57 Quantum on this machine. I read online that this version should be more performant than the older versions and use less system resources. though i had to downgrade again to version 56.0.2 and disabling updates for a while because my pc decided to not like that version all that much.
CPU usage rose drastically and the computer became unresponsive. I wonder if that is a NVDA thing or other people might have the same issues with other assistive technology.
Greetings, Simon
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