Hi, I am trying to find a way of running a virtual machine with Linux and also another one with Windows XP, but I couldn't find a stable solution until now. I need to run a guest Linux and Linux from my Windows XP, so dual booting or booting from a stick is not an option. A few years ago I tried a Vinux VMWare image, and I could use it for a very short time, then I don't know what happened, but it stopped talking and I couldn't make it work again, so I abandoned it because it was not stable enough. Now I tried a Vinux VMWare image again, and it started to talk some things but it stopped talking before the login prompt. I tried to shut it down, tried to boot it again for many times, I even deleted the VMWare configuration file and used a new unarchived image, but it doesn't want to talk absolutely anything. It is not a problem to install and use a Linux virtual machine by SSH (using VirtualBox), because I was able to do it very easy with Vagrant, but I am wondering if there is a way to also use a VM of Windows XP and Linux with a GUI desktop. Do you know if there are somewhere VMWare images of Windows XP that can be used easily by a blind, or for the moment there are no stable solutions for that. I said VMWare, but it can be any other VM environment like VirtualBox if it is accessible. Thanks. --Octavian