Hi all. so I have been asked to help with a wifi installation in a fairly big space. I am tempted to go with the unify ap stuff from Ubiquiti networks. This stuff gets rave reviews and looks quite good. However, their things seem to require using a java based controler software for configuration. I am concerned about how accessible this might or might not be. From reading some of their support stuff, even to enable ssh on an ap to allow configuration requires use of this controler software. It might be usable and not a problem but I don't want to spend like a thousand bucks on stuff I can't configure. Since this will be mostly set it and forget it, I guess I could borrow a pair of eyes to follow my instructions and configure the access points for the first time. Anyone got experience with any of this gear? How did you get access points up and running for the first time? thanks. Brian. -- Contact me on skype: brian.moore follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bmoore123