I can't figure out for the life of me what is the problem. Jaws just won't read some emails with tables and acts really strange with word when typing. It almost goes to some sort of mode like a learning mode or some functions mode. My temp fix is to enable "game mode" with windows key plus G and then turn off game mode. It fixes it for a little bit and then it gets back to the strange behavior. I have noticed it mostly happens with word and outlook. I already updated my work PC to the latest updates. Reinstalled graphics drivers uninstalled all versions of JAWS and fresh new install of 2021 and it still gives me hard time. The HP Z 240 SFF has Intel 630 graphics. My other office has Z230 SFF with NVIDEA graphics card and everything is good. Any ideas why I would get such behavior and what else I can try? I was thinking to clean re-install office 365 but don't want to spend time reconfiguring all the settings, inboxes etc.