Setting up Windows server is similar to setting up a Windows workstation. There is a point at the beginning of the installation where there is no speech. Once you get past that point, much of Windows server is accessible. I have not used Jaws for Windows, but have used Window-Eyes with little trouble. I don't know if you will be working at the server console or from a workstation connected to the server. If you are going to be maintaining user accounts, they might have you at a workstation and use Active Directory to allow you access to the functions you will need to do the work. This should be quite doable with Jaws. Vic Pereira Infrastructure Operations | Operations des TI Shared Services Canada | Industry Canada | Services partagés Canada | Industrie Canada 400 St Mary Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3C 4K5 | 400, avenue St Mary, Winnipeg MB R3C 4K5 Telephone | Téléphone 204-983-0653 Facsimile | Télécopieur 204-984-4205 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada