Hey all, Not dealing necessarily with accessibility at all, but speaking of SCCM, is it good for the smaller environment? I'm curious because right now, the best we've been able to come up with is a combination between WDS, Otter, and WSUS for deployment and orchestration; well, Otter would have been used for Orchestration regardless simply because it's easier than Scorch to set up. My question is, though, does SCCM offer anything in the way of advantages over the cobbled together solution we have? Any reason why I should push SCCM? Resources are lower than we'd like, so right now, we're stuck with what we've got until we can get more (though between the four of us, we do manage to have about seven physical servers between local and offsite resources (though some of them are older and are being phased out.) one of the things that drives me insane with Microsoft software is the amount of Ram one single product takes . That's so far what's keeping us away; others in my group say, why use SCCM when something cobbled together takes less resources and works just as well?