Hello friends, I have just completed the theoretical portion of the ITNR diploma program at a local career college, and am now a third of the way through a practicum. Here is the obstacle I 'm up against: The bulk of the work my practicum host has for me to do involves repairs to Windows [i.e] troubleshooting and fixing virus/malware issues, general software repair. He would like to have a live boot cd of Windows XP and another of Windows 7, as he would find these more useful than conventional safe mode. This is a tool I would need as well, unless the same things can be acomplished with Linux. I was able to make one bootable win 7 cd with something called make_pe3, but it has no audio support and no way to let you inject drivers. I have bashed away at WinBuilder for a week with various "ready-to-build" projects, and have had zero success and wasted 9 dvds. Either the resulting cd fails to boot, as if the boot loader is missing, or, when I try to burn the ISO by right-clicking on it and choosing "Burn Disk Image", Windows indicates that the ISO is invalid. I am using NVDA 2012.1 and SAToGo for screen reading. My test system is a MacBook Pro with Windows 7 running in the bootcamped partition. Any light on this would be tremendously appreciated, as I have lost much sleep, mealtime and normal living time :-] to intense research not counted as practicum hours. Is a Windows live boot worth persuing, or might I be better off concentrating on Linux? Thank you in advance for any and all input.