Hi all,


I guess many of you have heard that Oracle doesn't allow free usage for the Java JRE in companys anymore.

We have some old web apps that still use the java plugin.

Is there any alternative for that?

I recently heard that Oracle hasn't open sourced the web plugin so OpenJDK needs to create their own plugin though that might take a little while.


Is someone using something different now?


Greetings and thanks,



Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Simon Eigeldinger


Nebengebäude 1, OG1


Hohenems_logoStadt Hohenems

Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 4

6845 Hohenems

T: +43 5576 7101-1143 | E: simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at | www.hohenems.at


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