Dear users and administrators, Nirsoft WEB site is containing many very useful system utilities. The very important facts are 1: All utilities are 100 percent MSAA compatible, so visually impaired users are able to use all GUI elements of all included utilities. 2. All utilities are able to be executed when using Windows PE environments. Thank's to Nirsoft utilities, visually impaired system administrators are able to disable devices installed in offline Windows installation One utility can even enable us to disable or enable system services, we can even change The startup type of The Windows device drivers. So it is possible to use all utilities, which are available for The sighted users when using Windows safe mode. The secret is, that user must use The /offline Command line option when launching serviwin or other utilities. for example serviwin /offline d:\windows Serviwin will start to communicate with The offline Windows installation, will load The necessary Windows registry keys and user can change The startup type of Windows services of offline Windows installation. In The drivers mode wiev users are able to change The startup type of The device driver. Utilities are able to work with Windows XP live environment or Windows7 live environment and i AM sure that also with Windows Vista. The aim of my post is to show, how many positive thinks can live environment do for us. And i believe, that The need of buy USB headsets is not so bad factor. And do not forget, that somebody may be will be develope new free driver import utilities for Windows 7 and XP live environments, so may be, that audio drivers would be autodetected from whole big driverpacks audio database without RAM allocation issues. I will try to find some driver import utility, if it is available. The nirsoft utilities are available from here. http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/index.html So with live projects, You can access offline Windows installation, enable, disable devices, changing The startup type of installed services, changing The startup type of The Windows driver. It is also possible to remove viruses by using Microsoft security scanner, or by using Clamwin portable. Do not forget on Avast virus cleaner too. It is also possible to use other anty spyware programs from live environment . Do not for get, that some live projects are even able to support Internet Explorer version 6.0 or 8.0, many network carts can be supported by using driverpacks. So i think, that live environment can really start The revolution for visually impaired system administrators.