If colleges and Universities are finding it difficult, or impossible to meet the demands of advocates for legislative change to make their academic services satisfactory for their challenged students, (see the accompanying link) and if this fact is published for all who care to do so to read. How can we expect potential employers of the blind to assume we blind employees won't present to them an undue burden on their already strained resources. When they could just as easily hire an unchallenged individual to do the same job? Is it any wonder so many of us blind people are unemployed. The potential employer is just overwhelmed by assumed obstacles which may appear to him to be insurmountable. Given a choice between hiring a blind or a sighted candidate, what would provide the incentive for a potential employer to hire a blind employee above one with sight. For whom no particular accommodations would have to be met? https://www.nfbcal.org/pipermail/brl-monitor/2014/000033.html **The nice thing about being a celebrity is that if you bore people they think it's their fault.** Henry Kissinger