Hello, I'm ready to put together a new system and am looking at a new imap client. Previously i used outlook 2003 with jfw 10, which worked, but had one serious error. At an undetermined time my mailbox would be purged, and although the messages were still in my all messages folder, this was accessing imap for a gmail account, they were no longer easy to get to. This i atempted to disable, mailbox cleanup and similar features, which wasn't it and i never solved the problem. So, now my choices are outlook 2007 with presumably the same issue, or thunderbird version3 i believe is out. I am not sure of thunderbird's accessibility. I'm going to be dealing with multiple imap accounts, one gmail, and two others, and i'd prefer secure access. I'm looking for prose and cons to outlook 2007 and thunderbird with jfw in a multiple imap account environment. Any usage appreciated. Thanks. Dave.