Dear advanced system administrators, Yesterday i have seen very non pleasant fact. Latest version of Ubuntu and Orca is able to cooperate ammazingly and smoothly. When You are touching on Yours braille display and when Orca is being able to cooperate with Brltty, You can see The very sad fact. The communication between Brltty and Orca is much more faster than communication between Orca and Espeak or other speech-dispatcher driven speech engines. The resulted delay is some times 500 milliseconds or more. What do You think, that could help with this issue? This can make Orca users The opinion, that Orca is slov, but it is not true. The communication at-spit registry and Orca is really very fast. The bigest issue is, that screen reader is not communicate with speech synthesizer directly. And that Python component is being used for communication between speech-dispatcher and Orca. Does somebody of us know about commercial GTK compatible screen reader for Gnome, which would be able to react faster in conjunction with speech synthesizers? Any advice is strongly welcomed. By The way, SUE is much more slover than Orca in this wiev. And even crashes some times.