1 Aug
1 Aug
11:21 a.m.
Could you provide the steps to logg on using rdp? Kind regards, Vincent. On 7/30/2015 11:04 PM, MichaĆ Dziwisz wrote:
W temacie "[Blind-sysadmins] nvda remote" mattias jonsson pisze:
Anyone get the addon to work? I cant for my life! I setup the addon to allow the server to be controlled On a server And on my laptop connect to the server from nvdaremote.com But no no no. nothing
What you mean by "on a server"? Is it win 2008 or somethink similar? If so, you must be logged via remote desktop client when using nvda remote. I am using on win 2003 and win 2008 R2 and all works fine.