Hello all, A few questions. I know that some of this at least is addressed in the AISquared knowledge base, but it seems that either I or they are missing something. I'm attempting to run Window-Eyes 9.2 remotely on a server, for administration for one, and I've enabled virtual channel, and then when I go into the Window-Eyes settings to set up the Virtual Terminal services voice, it never actually activates and my settings always tend to revert back to the default. I hit activate on Virtual Terminal Services for Remote desktop, and at that moment, Window-Eyes stops speaking ... so there's sort of a caveat there isn't there? Anyway ... onto my second question. We're trying to set up remote app (my friend says he's got it working for his Active Directory site), and I'm wondering whether anyone has gotten Remote App working with Window-Eyes? (the KB article does not discuss it specifically when referring to Terminal Services, only to ZenWorks Presentation server ...) But I'd assume the procedures for configuration are the same whether referring to remote app or to VDI? Thanks for input and suggestions, guys!