Hi all, I've been looking at this for a bit and I can't find anything definitive. I'm trying to do the following: Create an autounattend.xml file via Windows SIM that covers all passes of the Windows installation Use my newly created file in order to install one of my Virtual machines (I don't care about capturing an image, for this is just so that I don't need to go through all of the steps manually, and so that I do not require the assistance of a sighted individual (sysprep and image capture will come later with SCCM) Ensure that Hyper-V will recognize the file (the question is where to place the file so that it is automatically discovered by Windows setup, since the use of a virtual rather than a physical machine seems to complicate things; read something about someone writing the file to the virtual DVD-Rom drive added to the VM, though God only knows how they did that) Input would be great ... Thanks!