Hi folks, Have any of you went on a course by these guys for an IT Cert? http://www.firebrandtraining.co.uk/ I'm looking at ITIL and MCDST. Particularly impressed by their emphasis on different learning styles, 12hrs a day with a trainer as well as Audio/tactile learning methods. Barry Toner BCS Belfast Branch YPG Representative & Disability Group http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=nav.10444 Contact me @ Professional: barry.toner@bcs.org.uk Personal Email: barry@barry-toner.co.uk MSN/Live: djpaddy@djpaddy.co.uk AIM/FB: barry@barry-toner.co.uk TWITTER: dj_paddy Skype: djpaddy Mobile: (UK) +44 (0) 7921 611 253 To find out more about BCAB and the benefits that membership can bring, please visit our website: http://www.bcab.org.uk/ To manage your subscription to the BCAB mailing list, please visit our website: http://www.bcab.org.uk/mailing-list.html To discuss matters relating to the mailing list, please email bcab-moderators@freelists.org Barry Toner BCS Belfast Branch YPG Representative & Disability Group http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=nav.10444 Contact me @ Professional: barry.toner@bcs.org.uk Personal Email: barry@barry-toner.co.uk MSN/Live: djpaddy@djpaddy.co.uk AIM/FB: barry@barry-toner.co.uk TWITTER: dj_paddy Skype: djpaddy Mobile: (UK) +44 (0) 7921 611 253