Dear syr, I can confirm, that released project is fully functional, NVDA can even work With included Internet Explorer 8. The remote procedure call service is goodly supported and configure, so NVDA is able to make it's remote procedure calls. So also NVDA virtual buffers will work and also NVDA included display hooks are functioning correctly without issues. Unfortunately, i AM not able to activate The play button by using included Winbuilder scripting engine, which is The part of The prepared project. No buttons, which are announced by NVDA as a Toolbar1 are not able to start The project building. So i started with Winbuilder scripting Engine version 0.80. Shortly, winbuilder 0.80 is able to build The whole project successfully. You will have to choose The source tab first and when You will have The focus on it, You must press Enter and after this actions, You can use TAB key to locate The browse button. Locate The folder with extracted content of The Original Windows 7 .iso image file. Do not use The modified contend created by various Windows unattended installations creators. When You will specifi The right source, You will have to click on The play button. Unfortunately, GUI is not enabling us to activate this button by using keyboard shortcut or by using standard Windows focus movement keys. So You will have to use NVDA navigation keys to locate The one of The toolbar1 object, You will have to press insert and divide to move The mouse pointer to this object and then You will have to press divide on The numeric keypad. Assuming, that You have set The desktop laiout in The NVDA settings. Try to activate one of The toolbar1 object, i can not remember, which one will be The play button, may be that it will be thirt or second object on The right of The treewiew object. To test Yours build, You can use Oracle VM VirtualBox latest awailable stable version. The supported sound device is The default device used by Oracle VM VirtualBox, Intel High definition audio. NVDA will start automatically. Sound engine of Windows7 will recognize The sound device as A headphones high definition audio. But device will work, NVDA will run smoothly. To use it without virtualisation, You will have to buy USB headsets, and You will have access to many computers. Winbuilder engine, which can be used by visually impaired users to press The play button can be downloaded here. http://www.sendspace.com/file/gj2ozk I will test The store on USB flash drive tomorrow.