Hi folks, i'm embarrassed to say but I've just gotten a virus that's taken out my Desktop Windows 7 machine down. Had all updates installed, and was running Eset Smart Security, www.eset.com I said on Twitter today that I noticed TCp/IP ping requests triggering my Firewall. I denied these access, then all of a sudden a mysterious setup.exe was trying to communicate witha remote computer. I denied this access as well then became concerned. So i then ran an in-depth scan of the local disk. It found two viruses, but could not clean them. I then rebooted my computer and it gets to the User Account log-in screen, freezes half-way throughthe startup chime, then reboots. This then just loops. Thankfully I have the machine imaged from about 2 months back, all media etc is on external drives and documents are backed up on external drives and Dropbox. It's more about getting a working system back up and running now as I had servers configured etc on this Windows install. I have two images on external drives that I created using Image For Windows by Terabyte, but how do I restore these without sighted help? And even then with sighted help if it becomes necessary? Is there a boot disk for Image For Windows so I can get in and select the image files to restore, and if so how to I get this? i still have my seriel etc in a file on DropboxI need as close to step by step as you can manage. i will then take this information, collate it and create a document ont he blindsys admins web site. As we really need to have this sortive of thing documented. ,smiles> for Image For Windows. Regards, Barry.