Have any of you had experience of the purgatorial setup, installation and administration of Exchange Server 2016? Aside from finding at least 4 major bugs in a new installation, what company in their right mind releases software where the Help and Best Practices Analyzer both point to the previous version? They may be similar, but there are some major differences. If you are faced with getting involved with Exchange Server 2016, please feel free to first contact me off list for more details of this almost total train wreck! George W. F. Bell Managing Director Techno-Vision Systems Ltd 76 Bunting Road Ind. Est. NORTHAMPTON NN2 6EE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 160 479 2777 Fax: +44 (0) 160 479 2726 E-mail: George@techno-vision.co.uk Web: http://www.techno-vision.co.uk