Hi all, I am new to this list because i just found out that this list exists. I am Simon Eigeldinger from Austria. I work in the IT business for a year now in our town hall. We have some NAS around from 2 manufacturers. 4 newer boxes from QNAP which aren't much accessible on the web interface. and 2 old buffalo terrastations which are pretty old but still work which are more accessible because of the old web interface. I also had a look at the synology web interface which can be checked out on their website. I kind of liked their interface and since DSM 6.0 i read it is more accessible and pretty well useable with a screen reader. What do you think? Greetings and thanks, Simon Mit freundlichen Grüßen Simon Eigeldinger Informatik Nebengebäude 1, OG1 Stadt Hohenems Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 4 6845 Hohenems Österreich Tel.: +43 5576 7101-1143 Fax: +43 5576 7101-1149 E-Mail: simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at<mailto:simon.eigeldinger@hohenems.at> Web: www.hohenems.at<http://www.hohenems.at> Diese Nachricht und allfällige angehängte Dokumente sind vertraulich und nur für den/die Adressaten bestimmt.