HI all. I've been reading a couple of books on pentesting, IT security in generl, have a virtual test environment, using Kali linux. From an accessability PoV, asking for any tips / experiences / pitfalls with using some of the main tools mentioned in the reading material I've got. I'm a screen reader user and typically SSH into Kali from the Windows host. (espeakup is broken at the moment.) I know Berp Suite isn't accessible. How do you find Nessus? I've got it installed and tried a basic scan. I can't make much sense of the table of results or see how to get details. Maybe I'm misunderstanding it or missing a button with JAWS. I'm accessing it via Firefox. I'm fine at picking my way through learning the command line tools. Using metasploit framework, so far. I got into this as interested in networking and security. I suspect it might be one of those things I can only get so far with then be at a significant disadvantage due to accessability and speed. Well and my brain maybe too... :D Anyway thoughts welcome. Cheers. Chris Turner --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus