Are you interested in the VMWare project specifically, accessibility in general, or helping with IAVIT itself? You can get involved at any of these levels. If you want to help with IAVIT, we could use a wiki administrator. Our wiki keeps getting hacked. I haven't had time to learn how to secure it. I set it up so that you have to register with a real email address and confirm it by responding to an email set to the address. But last time this happened, I hadn't even confirmed my own email address before some hacker got in there ahead of me. I just haven't had time to learn how to secure a wiki. The accessibility committee could use some help as well. Some companies are really good at making their products accessible and some are not. If you ask the ones that are not, many (not all) will say they simply don't know anything about accessibility. They don't know what doesn't work about their products or how to make them work. Why do some companies find it so easy and some don't? The accessibility committee means to address that issue and put together a set of tools for companies to use to change their corporate culture. The idea isn't so much to help them make their products accessible as to help them learn how to do it themselves. Finally, the VMWare team (which is part of the accessibility committee) could use some help. We already have a principle investigator. He is going to learn everything there is to know about VMWare ESXI and write a blog as he does so. But I'm sure he'll need help. This is where someone with good communications skills might be especially helpful. You could also help me with the proposal document and the cover letters I am writing to potential sponsors of the project.