I want to upgrade my network-attached storage devices' controlling software so they can support the newer larger 3TB drives, but alas, said software is no longer accessible, so it looks like I've got to spend more money and get at least one new box, maybe two, only because of accessibility issues. I've been told Netgear's NAS boxes has accessible software, but only one person has told me this. Anyone have any experience or can recommend something? The boxes I'm replacing are Synology Cubestations, model CS411, which have served me quite well for four years. Any thoughts? I've even thought about a FreeNAS home-built system, but more computers around here I really don't want or need, and I'd spend about the same money either way on a suitable motherboard, power supply, processor and case, but then I'd have to build the thing, which in and of itself is not a problem, but I want something and I want it now, I don't want to have to tinker and tweak and fuss and fumfer for a week or two just to get everything right.