Hi, May be worth having a look at. Andrew. -----Original Message----- From: bcab-bounce@freelists.org [mailto:bcab-bounce@freelists.org] On Behalf Of George Bell Sent: 18 December 2008 10:35 To: bcab@freelists.org Subject: [bcab] 64 Bit Windows - JAWS Podcast (With apologies for cross posting.) Some news which many have been waiting for about JAWS and 64 bit Windows access is at: http://www.freedomscientific.com//FSCast/default.asp or if the above wraps, try the following Tiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/4vawku At which appears: FSCast Episode 25, December 2008 On this month's FSCast, a beta version of our JAWS(r) for Windows(r) screen reading software is announced for the 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows Vista(r). Guest: Eric Damery, Vice President of Software Product Management International Product Specialist Oleg Shevkun talks about growing up in the Soviet Union and the remarkable story that led him to Freedom Scientific. Host: Jonathan Mosen Find the audio for this podcast at http://podcast.freedomscientific.com/FSCast/episodes/fscast025-decembe r2008.mp3 Or try the following Tiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/44h29r Published: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 21:45:00 GMT George. *** BCAB List administration *** If you wish to unsubscribe, set vacation,, request a digest or carry out routine maintenance on your subscription to the list then go to: http://www.bcab.org.uk/mailing-list.html Alternatively, send an email to bcab-request@freelists.org with the word faqin the subject line. You'll receive an email with advice on managing your subscription to the list. If you wish to discuss the administration of the list then contact: bcab-moderators@freelists.org