Hi. Using windows 10 64 bit pro, and using sql management studio 2017.7 express. 64 bit pro. Now got a whole bunch of databases, and then it messed up when I upgraded to windows 10 1803, and using jaws 2018.1805.33 64 bit pro. Have tried googling. But now cannot add a new database, when I put in the name, and click add, and then okay, keeps saying empty database. Also will not allow me to attach .mdf databases just keeps telling me error, and could not attach. Cannot restore a database, keeps just saying error and the database could not be restored. And also when I try to import, databases. And they are the correct .bak files, does not import. Don't have a credit card and paypal. Did try the built in sql management database tools, but would not work, kept giving me an error. Could not find it, even though did point to the correct databases. So, how to fix and any free, accessible database tools or do I just use visual studio community 2017 32 bit, to attatch the databases, and will that connect to it in sql management studio. Had this issue, since I then upgraded to windows 10 1803 64 bit, when it did not install the whole sql, and so had to repair and then got the latest version. Did try sql management studio 2016, 64 bit, but did not make any difference. Any ideas. Thanks.. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus