Thanks for the warm welcome. Andrew, after some thought, I guess the second PFSense box would be better served by being a regular install of Linux. I could probably get away with not using anything like PFSense on the first machine either, but it will make setting up the firewall, router etc easier. While I am about learning new stuff, I also like easy. I guess I was not aware that Windows Server had a media option for streaming. Does it transcode in to the different formats for different devices though? Of course I am sure it will cost more money over using CentOS and Plex. Either way, it will need to be a pretty stout machine. Scott, I would like to have my own web hosting company, but I would want to get started with my own servers and such first. I do already have a domain. I was thinking of doing one of those reseller accounts of another host before, but after some thought I didn't care for doing it that way. I am not sure what my upload speed are from my house right now, they have been doing some upgrading around here lately. I am sure at first I will be asking lots of questions, but I hope after a while I would be able to answer questions. The first thing I guess would be figuring out how to install different flavors of Linux without eyes. I want to play with a few before making a final decision, and buying components to build systems for what I want. Michael