Whilst we're on the subject of installing applications on new or unprotected machines, a few weeks ago, I started using a service that speeds this process up to the point that you'll be wondering how you coped withinstalling all of the standard apps the old way once you've used this service for a bit. The site in question is www.ninite.com Basicly, all the homepage has on it is checkboxes for popula apps. Go ahead and tick the ones you want and on the next page, ninite will give you a custom installer (Its actually a stub) which will unattendedly download and then install all the applications that you selected. I've got my custom installer on a thumbdrive, so all I have to do is plug the drive in, run the installer and come back in about 10 minutes and its done. I've also used this for friends who to put it nicely might not be able to manage the install of severall applications with out messing it up. I just send them the installer and its done. Hope this helped someone.