Dear advanced users and developers, I have found out ammazing FTP server, which is containing all PC Linux releases, including live KDE, live Gnome, live Zen mini Gnome. I would like to inform YOu, that Pclinux is The best Linux distribution, which is supporting remastering of installed release, one of The Zen mini release is even supporting reliable system administration tasks support while running it, even if user is not running xserver as root user. This algorithms are for now only The part of Mandriva One, Ubuntu and also onlyone created PclinuxOS zen mini Gnome release. I will let You know which one is including this good accessibility support. Finish-install Perl script can be safely terminated after finishing installation, this Perl script can be finished safely from The running Gnome session. The best awailable PCLinux release have been The Zen mini Gnome 2009.1, ALSA sound server have been used, and eventhough professional accessibility settings were not enabled like in later releases, user was able to use Adobe flash player with Alsa support. If somebody would be able to incorporate newest Pclinux OS kernel to this old release, I AM convinced, that this distro would be excellent. The 2009.1 also included unique remastering script, which allowed users to specifi The target partition for creating remaster, so this distro could be remasterd even while using it in live CD mode from running live session, even with The computer with only 512 MB of RAM. I was even been able to use USB flash disk like a target partition by using remastering script. I do not know about other distribution, which can do this and is fully accessible for visually impaired users. I have A special suggestion for advanced Linux kernel developer. Who of us would try to incorporate Speakup to one of The Pclinuxos kernel? -- Mgr. Janusz Chmiel