Sorry folks but I've got completely p'd off with Drupal 7 and with trying to make the anti-spam work properly I managed to break the damn thing. I'm going to try to get this back up and running so if anyone wants to help out your more than welcome. In fact, if you want to take over the project, consider the web space yours to do with what you wish. There's plenty of disk space and bandwidth to use for the BlindSysAdmins website so by all means. I'd like this to be a community driven site so having one person manage it really isn't what I'm hoping for. I'd love to do something from the ground up using either PHP or .net. I'm kind of liking .net at the moment. Would anyone be interested in doing this with me? Go on. It's a blank slate at the moment. Do with it what you want. Darragh Oireachtas email policy and disclaimer. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/about/oireachtasemailpolicyanddisclaimer... Beartas ríomhphoist an Oireachtais agus séanadh. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/ga/eolas/beartasriomhphoistanoireachtais...