Hello, I've given Hyper-V another serious try over the past day or so. I need feedback from others though as my testing has only gotten me so far. Findings: 1. Audio latency is reasonable. Not great but it will do. Note I only gave the machine 4GB of RAM and one processor so I may be unfair. It is going through a high end sound card though. 2. Enhanced session mode seems to be very workable. Control alt and left moves focus away from the guest consistently and control alt break takes you out of full screen mode. 3. The hardware and Hyper-V host settings are accessible. No problems there at all. 4. Capslock seems to be passed through to the guest all the time. This is really irritating. I wonder is there anything our friends in Microsoft can do about this? I prefer the laptop keyboard layout in screen readers because I keep my hands on the home keys all the time. I find it much more efficient. 5. One critical issue I'm encountering is I cannot get the hardware authorization dongle to work. I also cant activate Jaws. I think this is because the hardware ID is dynamic and the ILM authorization manager doesn't like it. 6. Again, another critical issue is that because the enhanced session uses elements of RDP, Jaws thinks that it is in an RDP session but it cant communicate with the locally running instance of Jaws to get it's authorization from. Therefore 40 minute mode is never available. When Jaws starts, it prompts for authorization. When authorization fails or I close the window, Jaws always shows a message saying that this copy of jaws is not authorized to run in a terminal services session. Here's my intended use case. I have hoped for this for years and in some ways, I can do this with VMware workstation but it's not quite what I want. InstallHyper-V 2016 server. I've two really powerful machines here so I have no shortage of computing resources to easily run what I need locally. I'll then run the various desktops and servers that I need on these machines. The idea is that I should never need to run an application on the host. If I'm testing something,I can create a temporary VM from a template and trash it when I'm done. I also have a few clients where it is not a good idea to connect to their network on a machine that I have not dedicated to their tasks. I generally have these starting and connecting to interfaces on my firewall that provide a VPN connection. With Hyper-V server , I'll get more performance from the guests compared to VMWare workstation as there will be less running on the host. I know that Jaws will install onto hyper-V server. I had to do this a few months ago. I don't want to use RDP authorization for Jaws on my local virtual machines because often I need to use RDP to access remote servers. Have any of you had any success or do you have any additional findings? Thanks Darragh