Greetings, I was wondering if any of you would be able to suggest a solution to the following problem? Sinario: 1 Exchange server running version 2007. New exchange server running on 2010. Public folders seem to have been replicated across ok and the 2010 server is configured to be the primary server now. Replication has finally been removed from the 2007 server. It has therefore allowed me to remove the non-system databases. I am now trying to remove the system public databases.
From the GUI or the command line the errors are the same;
Any ideas? Error below: [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>Get-PublicFolder -Server <OldServer> "\Non_Ipm_Subtree" -Recurse -ResultSize:Unlimited | Remove-PublicFolder -Server <OldServer> -Recurse Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Removing public folder "\NON_IPM_SUBTREE". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"): a Modification of the '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE' folder is not allowed. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], ModificationDisallowedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 36EC8CB5,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Modification of the '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\EFORMS REGISTRY' folder isn't allowed. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (1:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], ModificationDisallowedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 46129E00,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Cannot delete the object '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\Events Root'. Please make sure that you specified the correct identity and t hat you have the correct permissions to delete it. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (2:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], MapiPartialCompletionException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : E4954678,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Modification of the '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK' folder isn't allowed. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (3:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], ModificationDisallowedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 4E149135,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Cannot delete the object '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK\/o=First Organization/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Default O ffline Address Book'. Please make sure that you specified the correct identity and that you have the correct permission s to delete it. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (4:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], MapiPartialCompletionException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 783E1C44,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Cannot delete the object '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK\EX:/o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Gro up (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)'. Please make sure that you specified the correct identity and that you have the correct permissio ns to delete it. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (5:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], MapiPartialCompletionException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DBE49C6E,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Modification of the '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY' folder isn't allowed. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (6:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], ModificationDisallowedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 51AC246C,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Cannot delete the object '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY\EX:/o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Grou p (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)'. Please make sure that you specified the correct identity and that you have the correct permission s to delete it. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (7:Int32) [Remove-PublicFolder], MapiPartialCompletionException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 5A93A77B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.RemovePublicFolder Regards Darragh Ó Héiligh Fujitsu Offices of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Fredrick Building, South Fredrick Street, Dublin2 Telephone: +353 (1) 618 3559 Email: darragh.oheiligh@oireachtas.ie Internet: http://www.oireachtas.ie