Greetings, I have a first draft of the new blind sys admins website up and running. I was delayed by life getting in the way. The new design is significantly better according to my wife. I've also added some Ajax in there for page changes. I know it's absolutely irrelevant to us as screen reader users but it just breaks up the text nature of the site a little. IF I can think of an image or two to put up there to add something other than text I'll throw it up in the next day or two when time allows. If anyone wants a log in to add content please please let me know I'm also available on Skype using the name digitaldarragh if anyone wants to talk to me about the site. I have another few ideas such as adding video and podcasts to get people interacting with the site but I need to give that some more thought. Any ideas on any aspect of the site are really appreciated. Thanks Darragh Now.... I'm going to grab some lunch before I have to get back to work! Oireachtas email policy and disclaimer. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/about/oireachtasemailpolicyanddisclaimer... Beartas ríomhphoist an Oireachtais agus séanadh. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/ga/eolas/beartasriomhphoistanoireachtais...