Dear advanced users and developers. Thanks to MR Elmar Hanlhofer i Am snedind You The precompiled binary of GTK offline registry editor. Because compiling it can be difficult for non programmers. The download link is here. Please keep in mind, that You must use chmod 777 GtkOfflineRegistry To make this precompiled binary executable. Here is also direct download link for live distribution created by ammazing programmer, who compiled GTK offline registry editor. It is special distribution for visually impaired system administrators, because Gnome will be executed as root user, Orca will run as root, Gparted is included. Firefox will not work, because of complex thinks to make it usable when compiling everythink from scratch. I have made my best to bring You this distribution, i have deeply cooperated with MR Elmar Hanlhofer to make it possible to use Orca with this distribution. The direct download link for downloading this live distro for system administrators is here. GTK offline registry editor is precompiled here and it is executable inside this distribution. You can use this distribution to transfer data Across two computers by using The network cable.