Hi I found this list while I was looking for information on NVDA and teamViewer. My name is Josh Kennedy and I am from a small town in Pennsylvania near Harrisburg. I attended the Colorado Center for the blind for independent living training in 2008. Then in 2011 I got a-plus and network-plus certifications so I could work at a help desk. I got a job, and then lost it due to family issues so never got the chance to work. My certifications are now expired and I don't have the money to renew them. Public transit is pretty much non-existent around here. I'd like to know if there are any companies who hire IT people to do a combination of phone and tech support from home? Also I have a very part time side job. I clean and fix up computers for people around town. I do this by reformatting machines when needed using a talking windows disk. Or I use Ubuntu when needed to do more advanced work. I was thinking of expanding by offering remote support to jaws users using jaws tandom and charging a small fee for training and remote support. But I'm not sure how popular that would be and I only have a jaws demo and cannot afford jaws. And as far as I know I cannot buy jaws on just $150 per month.