One thing that you could try would be to create a JAWS dictionary rule for a space followed immediately by a dash that equates to some single syllable word that you'll know to mean a dash preceeding an option. Perhaps "xxxdash." If you try this, I'm interested in knowing how well it works. Thanks --Glen Glen Gordon Vispero(tm) | Software Fellow 17757 US Highway 19 N, Suite 560, Clearwater, FL 33764 T 727-803-8000 F 727-803-8001 ggordon@vispero.com<mailto:ggordon@vispero.com> www.vispero.com<http://www.vispero.com/> From: Darragh Ó Héiligh <d@digitaldarragh.com> Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:48 AM To: Blind sysadmins list <blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] Re: Reading PowerShell code with JAWS Chris, This is a really great question. I really hate it when people respond to a really worth while question by saying somethin really meaningless and pointless like: "That's a great question" or "I would like an answer to this as well". But.. Urm... I'm going to do just that thing to you now. And to make it even worse, I'm going to write a really long pointless paragraph saying how sorry I am for doing that to you. The only way I have of reading powershell is by going character by character. The thing is with speech, it's either too much or too little. If for example, I write get-ADGroupMembership, I really don't need to know there's a dash there because, I know get is generally going to have a dash after. Power shell usually follows a convention in the command structure. So knowing there are two dashes isn't all that helpful. However, hearing the kind of brackets used would be nice. Also knowing if a pipe is provided would be nice too. But the problem is there are conventions in Power shell. To be really effective, the screen reader would need to be aware of these rules and intelligently give you the information you need to speak the punctuation on the line that is actually of value. So, unfortunately, although this is a very unhelpful and long response to your very interesting question, Braille or single character navigation might just be your best option. However, I'd like to touch on the Braille thing for a second. I love Braille. And I would use it when possible. However, it's probably just me, I certainly don't read as much as I should but having contracted Braille for commands / coding is often confusing. But computer Braille can be very long. Powershell commands are often stupidly long as well Take this example. Search for all the users in a group in active directory and find the proxy address property. That is done in just one line but it's quite lengthy. A 40 cell display just doesn't cut it. Again, it's probably just me and I'm being difficult about it but I just want to read that line. I might want to keep my finger on something at the start of the line Or I might want to go straight to the end of it. Panning is an irritation! But an 80 cell display is large and the sound of the clicking gets on my nerves. I just haven't found a really efficient way of reading code on a Braille display. Especially when that code has weird characters like !$()[]{}%^"'#~ etc. It's probably something I would get better at with time but meh. I have too much going on as it is without spending time teaching myself a new way of reading code that may or may not be more efficient than my current approach. I've been reading console windows like this for years. I'm reasonably okay with it. Sorry for my very long winded message but your question struck a chord. And although it's Sunday, I need to finish something for work and frankly, I'm putting it off because. Well, it's Sunday! I don't really want to do it today. Regards. Keep the interesting questions coming. I'll try not to clog up your inbox with as much rubbish as was contained in this rambling pointless message. Darragh From: Chris Nestrud <ccn@chrisnestrud.com<mailto:ccn@chrisnestrud.com>> Sent: Friday 10 May 2019 21:09 To: Blind sysadmins list <blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org<mailto:blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org>> Subject: [Blind-sysadmins] Reading PowerShell code with JAWS Hello all, I'm wondering if any of you have any tips for reading PowerShell with JAWS using speech. Here's the question that I sent to Vispero: I'm trying to use JAWS to review PowerShell code. Is there a way to have JAWS indicate a dash preceded by a space as different from a dash preceded by some other character when reading a line? For example, in this line: Add-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider -SessionName Session1 The first part could be understood as "Add-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider -SessionName" or "Add-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider-SessionName". Is there a way to have it read as "Add-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider space dash SessionName"? I recognize that Braille would be a good solution, but this needs to work with speech. In case you're interested, the Vispero representative first recommended setting the punctuation setting to all, then when I commented that this would not identify any space characters, the recommendation was to use the JAWS cursor to review character by character, with a note that a Braille display would be worth considering. Hopefully someone has found a different method better suited for reviewing lengthy code. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Chris _____________________________________________ Blind-sysadmins mailing list - blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org<mailto:blind-sysadmins@lists.hodgsonfamily.org> To unsubscribe send an email to blind-sysadmins-leave@lists.hodgsonfamily.org<mailto:blind-sysadmins-leave@lists.hodgsonfamily.org>