Hi. what I did, from a msdn forum, was downloaded the ex 86 and the x 64 bit 2017 redist for vc++ 2017. Then uinstalled those , and then did the repair for isolated shell, and using alt r, and clicked yes. But not sure if it repaired, then reinstalled the x86 and x 64 vc++ 2017, then reinstalled sql management studio 2017.19 latest stable version. And got the latest sql management studio or sql server kb update, security update and installed. So cannot still run sql managent studio. Any one ran into this issue. How to get it to work. And have tried a few things. But not working. Don't want to have to do a reset for windows 10 and then have to load my 50 or 100 programming projects, don't have three weeks to do that, last time I did a windows reset. Disability answer desk did not help. Any one able to suggest how to get this to work. Driving me nuts. Spent most of today trying to resolve this issue. What am I doing wrong. Frustrated. Have tried to help my self. But if any of you people have had a similar issue, and how it was fixed. Did try looking for a sql server and managemen studio clear utility to totally clear it out of my system. But could not find one. Just frustrated. Don't know why, was updating to visual studio 2017.9.0 the other week and it decided to crash, then had to do a repair. Marvin. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus