How did you install Windows 10 using the Talking Windows Pre-Installation Environment? Did you modify the supplied install batch file, or did you simply use the Windows 7 Run dialog to run the setup on the Windows 10 distribution medium? If you did that, that's great news. On Mon, 17 Aug 2015 21:15:12 +0200, you wrote:
W temacie "[Blind-sysadmins] talking windows installer" Steve Matzura pisze:
Does the free talking win pe work with windows 8.1, and windows 10?
Short answer, no. Long answer, the piece of Bryan's TWPE that makes it talk had to be built into and bolted onto the available Windows Pre-Installation Environment,
I installed win vista, 7, 8, and test builds Win 10 wwith success using talking Win PE. But I am afraid that you will have trouble instaling that with machines with UEFI, and secure boot enabled.