Folks, What are you either in work or at home imaging your win 7 boxes with? That you can restore, I know I know, that's always the killer, without sighted help. I was using True Image for XP back when, but have found it very crashy under Win 7 and accessibility appears to be broke in it's latest version. The Windows 7 backup tool, despite having an Imager scares me. I'm not sure if it's a true sys image, and also it's throwing all sorts of annoying errors up here when I point it to a backup drive I have in a USB hub. So I'm looking a backup tool that will do Images, and if I have access to the OS will let me log in, and run the backup, it reboots and comes back up after a period with a re-imaged screen. True Image would do this and do it very nicely. Thanks, Barry. Barry Toner BCS Belfast Branch YPG Representative & Disability Group http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=nav.10444 Contact me @ Professional: barry.toner@bcs.org.uk Personal Email: barry@barry-toner.co.uk MSN/Live: djpaddy@djpaddy.co.uk AIM/FB: barry@barry-toner.co.uk TWITTER: dj_paddy Skype: djpaddy Mobile: (UK) +44 (0) 7921 611 253 __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 5086 (20100504) __________ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. http://www.eset.com