I've been charged with the responsibility of roling out the pointsec incryption solution to all laptops in this organization over the next few weeks. The plan is to do about three a day for the next month or two. Problems are as usual, with the accessibility of the application. In Windows, the application is fine. JFW works fine with it. However, a lot of the installation and use of the product comes before Windows starts. If the installation fails, I'm very comfortable with Linux so using FDisk in a CLI won't be a problem. The issue is that at boot, the Pointsec software starts at the MBR stage before Windows begins it's processes Therefore, it's not going to be possible to get a Screen reader to read anything. Do any of you have any suggestions as to how I'll get around this? It would be great if the log on screen had some kind of keyboard assigned short cuts. AT least I'd know what controls I was activating then. Any suggestions very welcome. Handing this to someone else is never an option. Thanks Darragh