Hi all, Dolphin (www.yourdolphin.com) are interested in the challenges that blind system administrators are facing in the workplace with the aim of investigating how feasible it would be to increase the accessibility of some widely used applications with their SuperNova suite of products. If you are an admin and are interested in starting an email dialog with Dolphin, please make yourself known either on or off list and I will send you the contact information for the relevant person. Initially, it would probably just be a case of a few emails going back & forth with you telling them what applications you are required to / would like to use & talking about some of the problems that are preventing you from being as productive as you'd like. With all due respect, the people that I'm really hoping will reach out are the people who are actually doing this as their 9 to 5, purely so that we can make sure that all information that Dolphin receive is completely accurate - this is one of the reasons why I as a hobbyist am not providing any information to them myself. I feel it is also important to stress that at the moment Dolphin are only performing information gathering. My contact would genuinely like to help blind admins and is well placed internally to allocate developer time towards increasing accessibility of specific products, but as I'm sure you're all aware, time is money and any time spent making program x accessible would need to be justifiable. Having said this, I don't anticipate initial discussions taking overly long so hopefully some of you will agree that it's worth a shot. As per above, if you're interested in getting involved, please let me know on or off list & I'll get the ball rolling. Cheers, Ben.