Hi My responses inline: 1. Are you able to access and configure our Wyse thin client terminals. I would need a scenario for this to be able to provide a possible answer. I would also need further information on say how you or Liam would configure the Wyse Thin Client Terminals. Andrew: With this and other questions try and look to see if you can get any more information on this before the meeting, get as much information about possible management routes into these devices as possible. If necessary ask if a spare/test client could be given to you for a period so you can test it out and change settings. It is always good to get scenarios here though. How easily and effectively can you perform admin tasks within Windows Server 2003 and 2008? I've asked Liam to create an admin username and password for you in this respect. There are two possible routes. Either we have JAWS installed on the Server and use it's RDP licence to allow me to remote from my desktop into the Windows servers. Or depending on the tasks to be performed we look at the Remote Admin tools through the Microsoft Management Console Andrew: Try and go with the remote admin tools as much as possible, explain that you have researched this and it is actually recommended by Microsoft, and will also stand you in good stead for when servers become more core-based. Even now I still have to drum into our guys not to RDP onto domain controllers etc, there is just no reason to do this and it is just lazyness on their part. 3. What would you require to be able to manage the storage, allocation and re-ordering of ICT consumables (printer toners, thin clients, keyboards, mice etc.)? I would require a storage room with shelves and be allowed to organise this room myself. I would propose using my Pen Friend labeller to tag each item that isn't' apparent solely through touch. EG. Printer Toners. In-terms of allocation if the user was located within HQ I would retrieve their requested item, and contact them to arrange they pick the item in question up at my desk. Andrew: I would suggest that this isn’t going to work for the employer, because a lot of IT people will need access to the room. The Penfriend is a good idea, what I tend to do is to allocate specific boxes for various equipment (though we don’t manage tonars anymore), as you can’t guarantee that something will be barcoded. Can you access our current Trend anti-virus solution in order to perform routine checks and generate reports? I have yet to be shown where this is located on our Servers. However, I have been able to use the client installed on my desktop. I would expect this should be reasonably accessible or can be made so. Either with a bit of time to allow me to familiarise myself with it or scripting for JAWS. Andrew: Try and stay away from scripting if you can, it sounds scary and expensive and time consuming. I haven’t used Trend, though I use Sophos here, and it has a remote console that is fully usable with JFW. 7. Can you access MailMarshall in order to perform routine checks, manage quarantined mail and generate reports? Andrew: You need to research this if you can, is it web based (in which case it is a lot easier probably), can you install a remote client, where is it on the network etc? 8. Can you access Cloudstream services to perform routine checks, manage quarantined mail and generate reports? Same reply from me – if it is cloud based it is probably there is a web based system available. Andrew.