Hi all. SO just upgraded a couple ubuntu systems to 18.4. Apparently we're now using netplan instead of /etc/network/interfaces. I don't understand the format of the .yaml configuration file that netplan uses though. That is, I don't understand how the indentations work. Anyone using it? Tried with no indentation and it complains about a missing ":" when I seem to have them all. The example seems to be indented but I wasn't sure if this was just for presentation. SO I tried: First line network: At the margin and the subsequent lines spaced in by 2 spaces. It doesn't seem to like this either and I can't get a sense of how the lines are arranged on the ubuntu server user guide. I am using jaws on windows btw. Any tips welcome. One other thing, it seems you can't add post-up run_this_script type lines to the config file either. Which is a pita. I prefer the old way as I had my firewall script run after the interface came up. Cheers. Chris Turner