Hi. I just discovered this list, and am very glad of it too. I have been asking some of my jaws and sysadmin questions on the jfw mailing list without much success. A year ago, the job of windows sysadmin was dumped into my lap. I am trying to learn as I go without any formal training. I am the entire I.T department. I hope no one will mind if I ask a few of my current crop of questions. 1. has anyone used avg internet security network with either jaws,windoweyes or system access? 2. how accessible is Microsoft share point? 3. Is there a way to get jaws or windoweyes to say whether something under add/remove windows components is unchecked, partially or fully checked? 4. has anyone used an accessible pc inventory program? I have many more questions as I said before. At the moment, I am trying to find some place to get some training. What I have been able to learn is mostly from playing with a test server, and using google to find documents on the internet. Phil