Dear users and system administrators, May be, that somebody of us would start to be sad, that i AM writing about The PE based live projects, but i have found them very usable, stable and really very efficient way to enable visually impaired system administrators to perform Windows repairs. Two scripts, which i would like to present You, are being able to add special .sys, very little device driver, which can force Windows NT kernel to ignore NTFS file permissions set. The result is to have full access to all files and folders saved on NTFS volume. Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove Windows folder tree, or users folder tree because of Windows7 junction points. But antivirus are able to access all folders and files excepts junctions points, which are inaccessible even from running Windows regular environment. The first download link will enable You to use .script for Windows XP live project, it is The following link. http://reboot.pro/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_id=10685 This, second direct link will enable You to use this driver from Windows PE3 environment. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15279728/AccessGainDrivers.script How to use? I have tested those scripts with The following live projects. LXC.102011 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15279728/LXC.102011.exe In this case, run .exe program, browse to The target installation folder and place The .script file for WIndows XP to The following folder. \LXC.102011\Projects\LiveXP\Drivers\6 Other\ Then You can run binbuilder.exe and specifi Windows XP source and You can press play button. To use script with Windows7 project, place The script for Windows7 to The drivers folder inside The Windows7 project folder structure. Example \win7PEnvda\Projects\Win7PE_SE\Drivers After successful project build, press The context menu while browsing The drives list while browsing it by using computer. Choose The menu item, which is telling somethink about bypass The NTFS permissions and press Enter. The drive, or more securely speaking, The NTFS partition will be now accessible and NT kernel will lost it's strong power to disable users to access The NTFS volumes with NTFS permissions. I AM testing next live project and if it will support NVDA, i will write about this project too.